Timothy Project: Valor Costa Rica 2017 Final Update
CrossTraining’s Timothy Project: Valor Costa Rica 2017 Final Update shares about the donations, used by the Valor girls soccer team, that surprised an unsuspecting championship team with cleats moments before the game’s whistle blew to start the game!
According to Valor junior, Caroline Noonan, : “We were able to provide her kids with cleats just in time!”
FC Fusion is a ministry in Costa Rica, founded in Tamarindo , to reach kids in the community. They were preparing for a championship game when the Valor team met them. The Valor students discovered that even though they were headed into a championship game, some of the players didn’t even own cleats. Valor sprang into action and not only fitted them with cleats! They were also able to give pinnies, balls, cones, and many other necessary materials for all of the coaches and the soccer teams of FC Fusion.
The Valor team also had the incredible opportunity to teach soccer to over 200 Costa Rican children at a one-day soccer camp. During the camp more Timothy Project gear was given away to the participants. This was impactful for many of the players because without soccer gear they are not able to play on a team. Almost every child was given not only a pair of cleats but a jersey and socks as well.
“The highlight for all of these kids was definitely the gear distribution, this was a life changing event for them.” says Noonan.
The Discovery trip was not all soccer for the Valor students, though. Every day, in addition to playing soccer and conducing the camp, they spent six hours working at construction sites. They contributed to the building of two homes by pouring concrete, sifting sand and raising walls for the homes.
Noonan summarizes her experience in Costa Rica with these thoughts, “Overall, the soccer gear distribution along with our construction work impacted the Costa Rican community in lasting ways that we can’t even understand as Americans, and we’re grateful for this ministry the Lord allowed us to be a part of!
If you would like to make an additional contribution to this project please note Timothy Project in your donation or if you would like to support future Timothy Project ventures, such as this one, please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!
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[…] Valor Christian High School – 27 team members – Costa Rica. Donated gear included soccer balls, cleats, jerseys, training shorts, socks. […]
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