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Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2016

CrossTraining Timothy ProjectCrossTraining is pleased to announce that they will partner again with Valor Christian High School and the Spanish Instructor/Team Leader Danny Brooks. Brooks and his Valor team of students and adults have been traveling to Guatemala for a number of years now to reach individuals and entire communities with the Gospel. In 2015 and 2014, CrossTraining helped to support and supply the Valor team’s work within several impoverished areas in Guatemala.

Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2015 in Zacapa, GuatemalaThe Valor team returns to work with Vida Abundante Church for two weeks in June. The church is located near Zacapa, Guatemala and the team will look to use futból (soccer) as an instrument to reach out to children and teens of various villages and continue to build the relationships that their trips have developed on previous trips. Brooks and his team of students will look to engage communities to come out and play soccer with and use this community building time as a platform for sharing the Gospel and connecting them with the local church.

Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2016 Needs

Timothy Project: Guatemala 2015

Children play with a makeshift goal in Guatemala

Brooks and his team are requesting soccer balls and pumps to leave behind for the local church and community to continue to use in outreach to the surrounding villages. The team from Valor will also have the opportunity to travel to more remote villages, praying and playing with children and their families and, in some cases, leaving behind a special gift of a soccer ball, or soccer uniform.

The Valor team is also seeking to raise enough money to transform one particular soccer field by building soccer goals with actual nets for one of the local fields close to a village of mud houses.

Many Guatemalans have never owned a pari of soccer cleats and play in "crocs" and sandals.

Young Guatemalan boys grin and smile at getting soccer cleats during Valor’s 2015 trip to Zacapa.

Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2016 Specific Request

Uniforms — 100 men’s uniforms (shorts, shirts and socks if available)

Uniforms — 50 women’s uniforms

Soccer balls and pumps — 50

Materials to build soccer goals


If you would like to make an additional contribution to this project please note (Timothy Project: Valor Guatemala 2016) in your donation or if you would like to support future Timothy Project ventures, such as this one, please use the Donate Now link to make a secure PayPal donation. Your financial gift helps to secure additional equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!


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