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App Update — Prayers in English and Spanish

Announcing our latest App Update!

Soccer Chaplains United App now features prayers in English and Spanish!

We’ve just added a section entitled Prayers to the Media/Podcast section of our app.

There are teams and places in the world where a player, coach, official, or a family member may not have access to a chaplain. Sometimes, it might be right before surgery. Sometimes it could be before a big game or moment — and someone just needs to know that God sees them, God knows them, God loves and cares for them. The Prayer section is designed to give encouragement and support to those who need it most.

Soccer Chaplains United will continue to add and develop original content and are grateful for the partnership and support of others to help serve the community and sport of soccer.

You can download the Soccer Chaplains United App from the Google and Apple App Store. Search “SoccChaplain” and look for our logo!