• During my recent 10-day trip, Charlotte, NC and spending some time with our chaplain to the Charlotte Independence was high on my priority list. Last year, Gustavo Bentos took over the chaplaincy while we were still operating under our former name. With some personal and professional challenges arising, it was difficult for Gustavo to really invest the time into the team during the latter part of 2017. At a meal with Independence representatives, part of my own and Gustavo's understanding was focused on how we might serve the team better this year. A transition to a new stadium venue in Matthews, NC and the moving of office space along with a new ownership represented changes on the Independence side that might

    Mar 27,
  • The second part of my trip included meetings in Charlotte. The International Sports Chaplaincy Federation had a second summit, again hosted by Cede Network at the Joe Gibbs Racing Center. The summit took place over the course of a couple of days and much was accomplished toward creating and defining chaplaincy standards in sport around the world. I was privileged to be part of last year's summit and again invited to contribute to this year. Amongst some of the moments, the group adopted the name Global Sports Chaplaincy Association as a way of moving forward and starting to reach out in the development of chaplaincy across different countries and continents. My own contribution includes helping serve on the training

    Mar 27,
  • I just returned from a 10-day business trip. Chicago was the first stop on the tour. It was great to visit with our chaplain Pete Distler who serves the Moody Bible Institute Men's Soccer Team. Moody, in recent days, has undergone a number of changes, one of which is the appointment of a new head coach for the soccer team. We had a chance to spend time with the new head coach and assistant to better understand how Pete, as chaplain, can help serve the team. Among some of the opportunities that exist, the chaplain will be able to help the coaching staff better develop a spiritual plan for the team and offer a continued stable presence for the young players who

    Mar 27,
  • It's a great question: are you fiery or are you cool? How do you typically respond under pressure? Are you a cool cat or a hothead? Rev Brad takes a look at different ways that we can respond to life's situations. A couple of special "guests" help illustrate with a dramatic vinnette. Inquiries and feedback can be sent to podcast@soccerchaplainsunited.org. From the Touchline is a short-feature (10 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney and occasional guests touching on various issues around faith, family, and football. Check out the Soccer Chaplains United App and go to the Media section. Under podcasts you will see a new podcast for 3/21/2018 entitled "Fiery? Or, Cool?" If you don't have the app yet, you can download the Soccer

    Mar 21,
  • This past Sunday, the Valor Costa Rica Discovery Team gathered to pack for the trip. All of the collected soccer gear had to be crammed into bags and distributed as the team prepares to head down to Costa Rica. While there, the team will build a couple of homes and host a number of soccer camps and clinics. Parents and families of the team members came later to pray over and commission the team before leaving. After listening to many of the leaders share about the trip, I offered a brief reflection from Isaiah 58, and specifically verses 11 & 12 as an encouragement: The Lord will guide you continually,     giving you water when you are dry     and restoring your

    Mar 15,

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