• Every other year, Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church sends a team of high school juniors and seniors and adult leaders to Uganda to participate in Youth for Christ’s ministry in Kampala. The church has been working with Youth for Christ Uganda since 2007 with the hope and belief that the trips are making huge changes in the lives of the student team and in the communities they are serving. The 2024 trip will be the 5th trip that Soccer Chaplains United partners to send soccer gear and equipment with this local church partner. You can see summaries from 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022 by clicking on the appropriate link. Despite some of the negatives that can accompany short term missions, Cherry

    May 16,
  • Founder and Director of the Rocky Mountain Sports Counseling Center, Brooke Ewert, is a guest on the podcast today. During the month of May, we've been examining faith as helping someone's mental health. Brooke, formerly was part of Soccer Chaplains United and oversaw a number of counselors that were serving and supporting soccer teams and soccer athletes. The Rocky Mountain Sports Counseling Center has been featured in several little commercials this past month and is a great place of referral for athletes and families of athletes to get the support and health that they need. Today's podcast is part 1 of 2 and we talk about Brooke's background and experience and the work that she and her team do in

    May 15,
  • The month of May is “Mental Health Awareness” Month and we are in a series which is exploring how Christian faith addresses mental health. Today's podcast, Paul's letter to Christian believers in Philippi gets our attention and we examine his exhortations to pray, to focus our minds, and to put things into practice. In the midst of these invitations to participate and effectively live out our faith, there are two promises of peace that happen for the Christian believer and they are the best antidote to combat anxiety, fear, and the other mental health issues that surround us. From the Touchline is a short-feature (10-15 min) podcast with Rev Brad Kenney, Founder and Executive Director of Soccer Chaplains United and

    May 08,
  • Today is May 1, "May Day." Not only is it a day of political and religious significance, the phrase itself is a radio term designed to signal distress. If you don't know, the month of May in the United States is known as “Mental Health Awareness” Month, so for the next few weeks we are going to take a look at the topic of mental health and, specifically, how Christian faith addresses mental health. Today, we look at the words of the Hebrew prophet Isaiah (26:3). He writes that God will "keep in perfect peace the one whose mind is steadfast..." We look at aspects of steadfastness and trust and how these impact one's mental health and resilience. From the

    May 01,

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