Recently, Ethan Kell, son of Soccer Chaplains United chaplain Michael Kell reached out and requested soccer gear for his school’s spring break missions trips happening right here in the US in the city of Cleveland (as well as a few other locations). Together with Envision Cleveland, Woodcrest Christian High School, is sending out 114 students for spring time missions work. Ethan and a team of 18 students and 4 adult leaders will travel Ohio to work with inner city kids in downtown Cleveland, including many Somali refugees. Ethan hopes to use soccer as a way to build relationships and the requested gear will hopefully open many of those doors.
Envision Cleveland
Envision Cleveland has a number of different outreaches and programs aimed at building up the community in different parts of the city. Their mission and aim is to build up and strengthen neighbors and communities and the recent influx of refugees into the US and into Cleveland have created an important place to serve.
Ethan shared more of his hopes and what he is “keeping” in mind as he takes on this trip:
Getting outside of my normal life and serving others in need will let me get a picture of God’s heart for others and what he is doing in other areas. I am excited to take this trip now as this may be the only chance I have while in high school. Many know that I am playing soccer with the MLS Academy of Los Angeles Football Club. The commitment is year round and much is expected. I am taking a step of faith and participating in this trip. This trip will accomplish several things: First, we will support the local Christian workers serving in Cleveland. Second, we will meet practical needs — working with Somali refugees, running children’s ministry and serving in downtown. Third, we will hopefully be able to share with people how much Jesus loves them and they can know Him. Finally, we will be changed and impacted to serve here (in LA) when we return. I am excited about the experience that lies ahead. Please pray for God to provide for every need and that he would begin preparing my heart to serve him.
Ethan Kell, on his aspirations for this trip
Students from Woodcrest Christian School will be traveling to several places in the US and also to the country of Belize. You can see more about what different students and teams will be doing here.
Project Request:
- Soccer Balls
- Soccer Jerseys/Shorts/Socks
- Working with children 5-18 years of age and 50-100 people
- Shipping items (either to LA or Cleveland)
Remember, when you support Soccer Chaplains United, a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!