• This past week, I've spent time with fellow chaplains in sport at the Sports Chaplaincy UK (SCUK) conference and 25-year anniversary celebration. Post-conference, a trip up to Glasgow, Scotland to stay with my best friend from seminary days and do some decompression. And while in Glasgow, also was able to meet up with a player who was a trialist with the Colorado Rapids last year, and recently signed with a Scottish Premier League team. As I reflect back on this past week, I'd like to share some of the highlights. We've Got to Get Ready A recent story in the Guardian on the state of English football (soccer) academies is disturbing as they track probable cause for a 16-year old

    Oct 09,
  • This past week I had the privilege of traveling to Manchester, England to represent Soccer Chaplains United during the 25th anniversary of Sports Chaplaincy UK. The week included observing SCUK's "induction day" training program as well as participating in the two-day conference. This year's conference coincided with the 25-year anniversary of the charity which originally was formed as SCORE by Rev John Boyers, the chaplain of Manchester United Football Club. SCORE, began in 1991, and began to spread into other sport in and throughout the United Kingdom. The charity rebranded in 2011 to reflect a clearer sense of chaplaincy in and to sport. As part of the continuing education, training and fellowship — SCORE/SCUK has typically hosted a conference in the

    Oct 04,
  • Soccer Chaplains United is pleased to announce that Moody Bible Institute Men's Soccer is being served by the newest chaplain to join Soccer Chaplains United. Chaplain Pete Distler has a long history of working in soccer and recently joined Soccer Chaplains United as the organization's first collegiate chaplain. Distler, who works at Moody as Director of Digital Marketing, spoke about the chaplaincy, The new chaplain role...has been rewarding for all. It is a blessing... [especially for] the partnership between the chaplain and coaches for each unique mentoring opportunity that arises. From my trip last December, I was able to meet with Coach Chris McHugh and help offer some feedback on writing the job description for Moody's first chaplain to serve the

    Sep 26,
  • Welcome to Soccer Chaplains United! We are glad that you've found our new website and we are excited with moving forward. In 2002, when I first began to work as a chaplain with the Colorado Rapids, I was looking for a framework, a phrase for doing ministry. Cross-training, at the time, was an emerging philosophy of exercise where the whole of a person was considered. The idea was that an athlete needed to cross-train in order to be a better all-around athlete. Taking that idea further — I felt that those in sport needed to cross-train, but in emotional and spiritual areas. And so, CrossTraining was born. But in more recent times, with the emergence of the crossfit  exercise movement, we've

    Sep 09,
  • The Timothy Project: CCPC Uganda 2017 trip will see a team of adults and students from CrossTraining's  partner church, Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church head to Kampala, Uganda for a couple weeks of ministry. . The team consisting of adult leaders and students, will over two weeks, serve in a number of ways. From school visits and participating in school ministry, to partnering with and hearing stories from Youth For Christ leaders, to visiting with pregnant teenagers at the Mirembe House. The team will also have a day of soccer ministry, playing with the street kids of Kampala and also work on a service project in Gulu with a safari experience at the end of the trip. CCPC has made a regular trip

    Jun 15,

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