• What happens when we run into conflict? Do we avoid it? Or, face it head on? Well, Coach Lasso attempts to bridge the gap that continues to grow amongst the team by bringing together his two leaders — the youthful, Jamie Tartt and the veteran, Roy Kent for a little "parent trap" conversation. In today's "Lessons from Lasso," we talk about conflict resolution. Conflict is inevitable, especially amongst professional football. And there are healthy ways of dealing with conflict and unhealthy ways — the work is to figure out what may need to be done to mend the proverbial fences and to work together to achieve something. As part of the From the Touchline podcast, today's lesson features a brief

    May 11,
  • Ted Lasso goes looking for divorcée owner Rebecca to ask her a question during the fundraising gala — only to find that she's alone in the back alley and on the verge of tears...Rupert Manion, her ex- has shown up unannounced and "stolen the show" with his arrogant bravado. His presence and words to Rebecca remind her of the abuses suffered in the past and the threat that Rupert once warned her about — "if you leave me, you will be alone." And Rebecca fears that the prediction has come true. In today's "Lessons from Lasso" on the From the Touchline podcast, we briefly examine loneliness and its damaging effects on a person. I reference a Harvard longitudinal study on the

    May 04,
  • Rupert Manion rudely interrupts the fundraising benefit and in his mid-event introduction to Coach Lasso, he claims the love of his team that resides in his heart...you know, the lifelong love that we often have for our sports teams and clubs? Which team (or sport) has your lifetime fan-dom or passion? In today's "Lessons from Lasso" on the From the Touchline podcast, this one is aimed more at the passionate fan. We take a look at how the love and subsequent obsession may actually be a dangerous thing. What might Jesus say to us about the time, attention, energy, and money that we pour into our obsessions (sports or otherwise?). We get a simple lesson in the different kinds of

    Apr 27,
  • Veteran Roy Kent is fuming. Pretty boy Jamie Tartt is antagonizing. The team is divided. And Coach Lasso is struggling to repair and restore team unity. Coach Lasso's words of wisdom to Kent? "Don't let the wisdom of age be wasted on you..." In today's "Lessons from Lasso" on the From the Touchline podcast, we take a look at wisdom — how does someone gain wisdom? What's the difference between having knowledge, having wisdom, and applying it? Ted Lasso, the immensely popular streaming TV show in its second season on Apple TV+ features the antics and quirky, Coach 'Ted Lasso.' Lasso first appeared a number of years ago as a comedic character as NBC purchased the broadcast rights to the

    Apr 20,
  • In a special, bonus episode podcast, my good friend, Reverend Dave Meserve, shares a devotional writing on this, Easter Sunday. Gerard Manley Hopkins originally crafted the idea of letting Jesus "easter" in us — using the word not as a noun, but as a verb. And today, on the From the Touchline podcast, my friend, Rev Dave shares what it means to let Jesus easter in our hearts. Dave is a gifted writer and communicator. He is the founder of Urban Skye, he is currently serving as a chaplain with Volunteers of America, one of his latest ventures includes forming a publishing company called Awkward Faith Publishing. The link below is a pdf format of the devotional that you are welcome

    Apr 17,

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