• Sometimes (often times) we simply cannot pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. The simple truth is that we need others. We need a "stretcher crew" to carry us when we cannot go on — spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Who is on your stretcher crew? Today, in this Lesson from Lasso which also airs on the same day that the Ted Lasso show is premiering its 3rd season, I talk about the need for having others believe in us. We watch as AFC Richmond owner Rebecca changes her heart and mind when the warm and welcoming Sam invites her to participate in the team's ritual cleansing ceremony to right the wrongs of the past. Sam sees and believes a truth

    Mar 15,
  • Sacrifice is a major theme in team sport — the needs and desires of the individual athlete are always subject to the needs and strivings of the team. The best teams see individuals lay aside and "sacrifice" for the greater, common good. In this Lesson from Lasso, we watch as Coach Lasso tells the team his plan to rid the club of its ghosts. They must right the wrongs of the past by giving up something to honor the ultimate sacrifice that the young men did for going to war. We talk this podcast about the sacrifice that God made on our behalf and how we can appropriately respond. Ted Lasso, the immensely popular streaming TV show is about to

    Mar 01,
  • Not long into episode six, we meet the affable and lovable, Danny Rojas. The joy-filled, Mexican footballer from Guadalajara helps swing the mood for Coach Ted Lasso and the rest of the AFC Richmond locker room as he runs out onto the field, declaring "Football is life!" For many, many people in and around football — athletes, coaches, fans — football is life, and sometimes to a detrimental degree; however, there is One who declares to be life and not just the temporal, earthly kind but that and much more — the eternal version. It's Jesus. Today on the podcast, we look at three different claims and statements that Jesus makes that tie him into life and then come to

    Jan 25,
  • Our next Lessons from Lasso episode we see Coach Lasso and Coach Beard pontificate on the seeming "change" of tone, although not a change of the surly word that the fans are chanting post-game. Coach Lasso makes a time-reference — the 80's, when words meant the opposite of what was being said. How ought one to cope with the shifting sands of change — whether it’s found in 80’s lingo or modern-day text/snapchat culture? In today's Lesson from Lasso, I talk about the one who does not change — but is concstant and dependable and reliable . Listen to hear more. Ted Lasso, the immensely popular streaming TV show in its second season on Apple TV+ features the antics and quirky,

    Jul 27,
  • Lesson 38 in our Lessons from Lasso series and AFC Richmond is in an interesting place. It's halftime. They've just come back from being down 2 goals to tie the game 2-2. However, Coach Lasso has benched their star striker, Jamie Tartt, not because of injury or strategy, but because of his arrogance and audacity — just plain selfishness. The tension in the locker room shows just how far the team will go in putting up with prima donna and bad behavior — but not so for Lasso. Coach Lasso's halftime speech gets at the heart of the human condition. We are broken — all of us. This is the beginning of the Christian apologetic. We begin with the sinfulness, the brokenness

    Jul 20,
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