• Soccer Chaplains United has three different offerings during Holy Week for 2021.   Spy Wednesday — Betrayal | This week's From the Touchline podcast with Rev Brad Kenney looks at betrayal in football and in the life of Jesus. Click here to listen.  Maundy Thursday | Join Soccer Chaplains United with Rev Billy Cerveny, Rev Brad Kenney and and some special guests as we look at Jesus' foot-washing example from a unique angle and also celebrate Communion, or The Lord's Supper, virtually.  This virtual experience (approx. 20 min) is on our YouTube channel or on our website.  Good Friday | Join Soccer Chaplains United with Chaplain Ben Dudley, Rev Brad Kenney and a special short-feature video designed to help you reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus. This virtual experience (approx. 10 min) begins Friday at 12

    Apr 01,
  • Today is known as Spy Wednesday. Coming in the middle of Holy Week, we are just days away from Easter, but tonight is the night when, according to the biblical account, Judas agreed to betray Jesus and disclose the disciple's location so that the religious leaders could arrest Jesus. 30 pieces of silver. That was the price, that was the blood money that Judas took — the equivalent of paying off the life of a slave. On today's From the Touchline podcast, we look at Judas' betrayal and betrayal moments that happen in football. If you have been around professional football for a length of time, it's likely you have experienced some form of betrayal — whether as an athlete,

    Mar 31,
  • In the wake of the shootings which occurred in Boulder, Colorado on Monday, March 22, 2021 one of the most difficult and penetrating questions that people ask is, "Where is God?" Where is God in the midst of suffering? Where is God in the midst of a shooting where ten people lose their lives? Today's From the Touchline podcast is different. I almost didn't record one. It was difficult. But I share a few readings that can hopefully get us down the road a bit in wrestling with the question, "Where is God?" A passage from John Stott. A longer essay from Peter Kreeft, entitled Shared Hells. The ancient words of David from the text of Psalm 139. I have

    Mar 24,
  • Clint Moore, has been serving, unofficially, as chaplain to New Mexico United for the past two seasons. During that time, Clint and I have had a lot of conversations about joining Soccer Chaplains United for mutual collaboration and support as he looks to serve the United Soccer League — Championship (USL) side. Clint is the Pastor over Missions and Community Groups at Christ Church Albuqurque. You can read more about him on his bio page here. It is always amazing to me how God finds people to work with the soccer community. When New Mexico United was announced as an expansion franchise a few years ago, I began praying, especially since the team is just down the road from Denver.

    Mar 22,
  • With the start of the season only a few days away, Christ Presbyterian Academy (Nashville) Chaplain Ryan Doyle joins to talk about his faith and family journey and what's ahead for the CPA Lions. Rev Ryan Doyle, a long time soccer coach with CPA, now serves the team voluntarily as chaplain, a role that he really relishes. Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, listen as Ryan shares about his faith story and how God took him as a young man and used a friend to confront him about his lifestyle — leading him to seek a different path. Ryan also shares about his family, especially his children — from adopting three of their six children and how his two sons

    Mar 17,

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