• When Justin Smith came on to the board of Soccer Chaplains United back in 2016, it was with some reluctance. Father of a large, young family; an anesthesiologist with a busy practice; and a highly involved church member and later church elder, Justin knew he didn't have a whole lot of time on his hands. But ever since his own soccer-playing and college days at Baylor University, Soccer Chaplains United was the kind of ministry that he and his wife Emily wanted to get behind and support. Some of the highlights during Justin's five-year tenure with the board include helping Soccer Chaplains United go through a brand change and re-launch in the fall of 2017. He helped the board transition

    Jan 10,
  • The Valor Christian High School team which recently (Dec 26, 2021) went down to Guatemala has some updates to share about how their trip, their community service work, and their times of witness are going. To read more, from the student's perspective, follow this link. Annika plays soccer with a brand new, pink soccer ball from Soccer Chaplains United's Community Project and makes some new friends. I played soccer with a lot of them and the kids were having a great time. I also got to jump rope and dance with a lot of the girls. I made a connection with a girl named Gracie. I had braids in my hair and most of the girls want us to braid

    Jan 06,
  • Devastating fires rocked the northwestern suburbs of Denver along the Denver/Boulder corridor. 1000 homes damaged and many people displaced from their homes as the start of 2022 comes. It has been a difficult couple of years — COVID, effects of the pandemic, social unrest, injustices left and right — and yet, with the start of every new year, we have hopes and dreams and resolutions, that this year will be the year. Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, I look at the subject of blessing and I offer a blessing for the year of 2022. But the blessing comes at the end — it's important that we understand the nature and the power of blessing before we utter a single word.

    Jan 05,
  • Maybe you're the kind of person that has a hard time believing in yourself. Perhaps in life or in football or in relationships you've been beat down, oppressed, disregarded or otherwise so maligned that you no longer have a voice or lack any sort of confidence. Or, maybe you're in a different position — maybe you're a person who has power, prestige, and influence. Maybe you're in a position to elevate someone who is low or help them gain or regain confidence in themself. Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, we continue in our Lessons From Lasso, as we dive into Season 1, Episode Three and look at how Coach Lasso elevates the team's kit man (equipment) Nate into considering

    Dec 29,
  • How do we see ourselves? Special? Unique? Genius? World-talent? Many times, our selfishness takes over and we forget that we are part of a team, we forget that we are part of something bigger than ourself — it might be that we are part of a football team, a family, or another larger body. Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, another of our Lessons From Lasso, we look at Coach Lasso's sidebar conversation with Striker Jamie Tartt — Tartt is the epitome of selfishness and Lasso tries to win him over and see that he is actually part of a team, not just a 1 in a million player. So, too, people of faith, Christians, are to be people who

    Dec 22,

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