• The first of April is usually a day wrought with jokes and pranks around the world. But during these times of global pandemic, there likely won't be a lot of practical jokes going on and, in fact, some have made comments about the "foolishness" of certain things like sports and football, or soccer. Times like these do bring different introspection and perspective, but is football just a fool's game? In today's From the Touchline episode, I take a look at what C.S. Lewis distinguished as first and second things. While there are some generalized sentiments around the global game of football and other sports during this time, I argue that there is an "importance" to an unimportant thing such as

    Apr 01,
  • The global pandemic of Coronavirus has meant quite a few changes in the United States and around the world. Valor Christian High School, originally slated to fly down to Tamarindo, Costa Rica during spring break and the school's practicum week (March 14 - March 23) ended up canceling the trip along with their other Discovery Team trips. Although it is difficult not to be in Costa Rica this week, I was filled with joy that our houses were still built and were able to change the lives of two families forever. I am grateful for the hard work team Costa Rica put into the fundraising for the houses and also to our trusted partner that carried out the work in

    Mar 26,
  • Defender is a descriptor used at several different points throughout the Bible to describe God. He is there for the weak, the vulnerable, the oppressed — for His people — as the ultimate refuge, as a shelter, as shield, as protector. During these difficult times, when the world is struggling with fear from the coronavirus and its tremendous impact, perhaps more than ever, we need to remember and call upon God to be our Defender. In today's From the Touchline episode, special guest and friend, Jared Watts joins me to share some different defensive points of view for the beautiful game and to help illustrate ways that God is our Defender. Jared shares memories from his own story and journey

    Mar 25,
  • If there is a silver lining to the timing of the Coronavirus, it has been at a time when I have been working on a new, updated app for Soccer Chaplains United. Our current app, SoccChaplain, has needed some updating and recently Apple and Google have changed some of their requirements for apps and developers which will require us to make changes. When I first heard the news back in February, I was left thinking, "When will I have time to do that?" But the Coronavirus pause has not only afforded the time, but also helped sharpen thinking around the app and its use during times like these. Now, to be fair — our new app isn't going to change

    Mar 24,
  • The BBC storyline reads, "Did this sleepy village stop the Great Plague?" Whilst the 2015 BBC story is merely a travel story about the small Derbyshire village, there is perhaps more to Eyam (pronounced "Eem") that we might learn and apply to our modern-day Coronavirus situation. Especially for Christian persons, there are some important people and important lessons to learn from this tiny little village and its path through plague and hardship so many years ago. By now, most of us have seen the match imagery of stepping out or removing one's self from the path of a virus or disease. And, while, different countries and governments are responding differently to the spread of COVID-19, many are looking to the

    Mar 22,

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