• Defender is a descriptor used at several different points throughout the Bible to describe God. He is there for the weak, the vulnerable, the oppressed — for His people — as the ultimate refuge, as a shelter, as shield, as protector. During these difficult times, when the world is struggling with fear from the coronavirus and its tremendous impact, perhaps more than ever, we need to remember and call upon God to be our Defender. In today's From the Touchline episode, special guest and friend, Jared Watts joins me to share some different defensive points of view for the beautiful game and to help illustrate ways that God is our Defender. Jared shares memories from his own story and journey

    Mar 25,
  • The BBC storyline reads, "Did this sleepy village stop the Great Plague?" Whilst the 2015 BBC story is merely a travel story about the small Derbyshire village, there is perhaps more to Eyam (pronounced "Eem") that we might learn and apply to our modern-day Coronavirus situation. Especially for Christian persons, there are some important people and important lessons to learn from this tiny little village and its path through plague and hardship so many years ago. By now, most of us have seen the match imagery of stepping out or removing one's self from the path of a virus or disease. And, while, different countries and governments are responding differently to the spread of COVID-19, many are looking to the

    Mar 22,
  • One of my favorite days and favorite historical persons is Saint Patrick and his feast day is March 17. I feel that I connect with Patrick on many levels — from the way he lived life, to some of the ways that he, by faith, came to understand and know and believe in God. My Scot-Irish background also plays a big part of of why I have enjoyed studying and reading Patrick a bit more closely — whether his legacy or his legend. In today's From the Touchline episode, I look at a couple stories from Patrick's life and share one or two of my own. At the close, is a reading of the Breastplate of Saint Patrick, also known

    Mar 18,
  • The Coronavirus is making headlines locally and around the world. The virus is having an even greater impact on economies and supply chains and is even effecting the beautiful game in a negative way. The virus is certainly on the radar as football (soccer) governing bodies are discussing suspending league play in certain countries to avert a greater crisis. And talk of suspending the Olympic games and more show how the virus is impacting even the sports that many love. In today's From the Touchline episode, Rev Brad looks at what the Bible says about a Christian believers response during times like these. Building off of descriptions of the events of the last days found in the book of Revelation,

    Mar 11,
  • Well, technically, Major League Soccer (MLS) began on the last day of February for the 2020 season, but close enough. As the season kicked off last week (and the Colorado Rapids were the first game) it started the 25th season for the top flight soccer league in the U.S. The MLS season has had varied lengths in its 25-year history, and most recently the league condensed its season to run league competition games between the months of March and November. 34 games are par for the course — 17 home and 17 away; throw in a few exhibition games, an Open Cup tournament, weekly training sessions and travel and it makes for a busy 9 months. But this is just games!

    Mar 06,

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