• I am pleased to announce that Soccer Chaplains United will be part of the Denver Prays time happening this upcoming weekend. The Denver Prays movement is a 3-Day Christian virtual prayer meeting stretching from Friday, April 24, 12:01 AM to Sunday, April 26 Midnight. The aim is to pray for the city of Denver during the COVID-19 pandemic and just as the city gets set to loosen its social distancing and shelter-in-place restrictions. You can go to denverprays.com to learn more or to sign up. Rubèn will lead a prayer hour at 1:00 pm (Mountain) this Sunday. Pastor Rubèn Rodríguez will be leading a Zoom prayer time on Sunday, April 26 at 1:00 pm Mountain. His prayer topic is specifically

    Apr 21,
  • As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues on, the challenges of lockdown and quarantine confront all of us. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, a person of faith or a person of no faith — these are challenging times to live through. In today's From the Touchline episode, I look at three different S's that are likely present and a challenge for all of us in varying ways right now. Stillness. Solitude. Silence. It's likely that we feel burdened or stressed by these things, when in truth they are actually a gift if we can become aware of it and if we can learn something of what God might be wanting to show us as people or as communities or as

    Apr 15,
  • Today we are in the midst of Holy Week — Palm Sunday is a fading memory and Easter is soon to come. But this year, around the world will look and feel very different from past Easter celebrations given the global pandemic that we are facing with Coronavirus. Many will have to remain at home. Church buildings will sit empty. The normal festive time for Christian people will be muted in many places. In today's From the Touchline episode, we are taking about the feeling of captivity that many are and have been feeling under lockdown. Especially for people living in Colorado and the US, where we are so used to our freedoms and being able to go where we

    Apr 08,
  • The Coronavirus pandemic has thrown much of life into an uproar — amongst the many things that are no longer normal, school and education around the world looks very different. Children are now full-time at home with their families. Learning and education that once happened in traditional school settings is now taking place online and at home with the willing or, maybe, not so willing work of the parent or guardian. Of course, this is effecting the football world, too. Athletes and their families, at all levels of the game, are now together and education is striving to go on. For some in football, this is a massive and somewhat daunting undertaking. In today's From the Touchline episode, I am joined

    Apr 02,
  • The first of April is usually a day wrought with jokes and pranks around the world. But during these times of global pandemic, there likely won't be a lot of practical jokes going on and, in fact, some have made comments about the "foolishness" of certain things like sports and football, or soccer. Times like these do bring different introspection and perspective, but is football just a fool's game? In today's From the Touchline episode, I take a look at what C.S. Lewis distinguished as first and second things. While there are some generalized sentiments around the global game of football and other sports during this time, I argue that there is an "importance" to an unimportant thing such as

    Apr 01,

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