• Today's Lesson from Lasso is about watching where you step. Sometimes when we go a new venture it can be a dangerous thing to step outside the door, if we aren't careful we can get run over — by a car or some thing or some one or worse. If we don't pay attention to our surroundings we can be caught off-guard, ambushed. Ted Lasso, the immensely popular streaming TV show in its second season on Apple TV+ features the antics and quirky, 'Ted Lasso' character brought to life in his own TV show series. Lasso first appeared a number of years ago as a comedic character as NBC purchased the broadcast rights to the English Premier League. Played by

    Oct 06,
  • Mental health is a rising concern amongst athletes in the beautiful game from professional, elite levels all the way down to the youth. With the various pressures (internal and external) how can athletes today cope with everything they see and feel, especially amidst a global pandemic that has been very isolating? Today, on the From the Touchline podcast, Dr Brad Miller, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and one of four Founders of Soccer Resilience, is my guest and he shares about the work that his organization is undertaking with individual athletes and different clubs and teams around the US. We talk about the importance and value of mental health and hear a little bit of Brad's story of playing soccer as

    Sep 22,
  • Cristiano Ronaldo's return to Manchester United has started with a bang! Three goals in two games, a social and journalistic media frenzy, an all-time record for number of shirts bearing his name and number being sold and Untied fans around the world excited to see his return. Homecoming stories are some of the best stories aren't they? We see homecomings on social media and even read about them in the Bible — the return of the ark of God to the people of Israel under King David's reign brought about tremendous rejoicing. And Jesus tells us a parable (a story) of a lost son finding his way home to his father and his family after being a long way away.

    Sep 15,
  • The death of Afghan teenager, Zaki Anwari, as he fell from a plane while trying to escape the Taliban takeover in Kabul was saddening news as the world looked on to the despairing events of a few weeks ago. Zaki, described as a strong center back and bright student — had high hopes and aspirations and these came face to face with a grim reality as Taliban forces surged into the city of Kabul. Today, on the podcast, in a way trying to honor Zaki's memory, I wrestle with what drove Zaki to go to the airport that fateful day and what led him to hold onto that plane, although it would never have worked out the way that anyone

    Sep 08,
  • Life in football — whether in the professional or the amateur side — can feel quite lonely at times. For the one just dismissed or moving to a team half way around the globe. For the player who just can't seem to catch a break. For the one in hospital or on the sidelines languishing in a return from an injury — in these moments and in a thousand more it make no difference that you might be surrounded by a team/teammates or even supportive friends and family — it can be quite lonely and exhausting at times. Today, on the podcast, I share the music of one of our own Billy Cerveny. Billy is the volunteer chaplain to Nashville SC and a

    Sep 01,

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