• The Valor Christian High School team which recently (Dec 26, 2021) went down to Guatemala has some updates to share about how their trip, their community service work, and their times of witness are going. To read more, from the student's perspective, follow this link. Annika plays soccer with a brand new, pink soccer ball from Soccer Chaplains United's Community Project and makes some new friends. I played soccer with a lot of them and the kids were having a great time. I also got to jump rope and dance with a lot of the girls. I made a connection with a girl named Gracie. I had braids in my hair and most of the girls want us to braid

    Jan 06,
  • This December 26th, a team of 19 high school students from Valor Christian High School will travel to Guatemala for 16 days. The team will spend a majority of ministry time working with the community that lives around the city dump in Zacapa, Guatemala. Children in Guatemala play with a makeshift goal Soccer will be a significant part of the team's ministry as they hold soccer camps and outreach projects in the community. With all that has gone on in the pas couple of years, this community has great need and not only does the Valor team hope to provide ministry to them while there, but also leave behind some gear that would enrich their lives. Other projects include building

    Nov 18,
  • "It's a good tired" I shared with a friend who asked about the recent family mission trip to Juárez, Mexico. Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church, one of the sponsoring churches of Soccer Chaplains United, and the church where my family and I worship and are members, completed what is thought to be the 30th year of ministry and mission with Pastor Jorge Mata and his church, Iglesia Maranatha Presbiteriana. The church, just a stone's throw across the US border, has endured many struggles during the COVID pandemic — spiritually, emotionally, economically, and more. The family mission trip involves a week-long stay on the church grounds and various work projects and Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs for the neighborhood children, some of

    Oct 28,
  • With the global pandemic shutting off much of the world from itself, this year's singular Community Project fulfillment looks south of the U.S. boarder to Juárez, Mexico and the small team from Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church (CCPC) that looks to make their way in just a couple weeks time. Led by Parker Dragovich and Pastor Chris Piehl, this year's trip is thought to be the 27th trip in a nearly 33-year history. For a period of 5 years (2009-2013) the church deemed it unsafe to travel to Juárez with the drug cartel violence in its heyday. And, of course, 2020 saw closed borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the 30+ year history, CCPC has maintained a specific relationship with

    Oct 02,
  • Thomas Fahn, founder and director of Sadaya International and Sadaya Soccer, a few months ago, wrote and requested soccer gear and equipment as they get prepared to travel to Liberia. Their hope is to ship a container mid-November and have the container filled with soccer gear arrive prior to their own return. A box of gear will be headed to Liberia for Thomas Fahn and Sadaya United. The Fahn family have been investing heavily in ministry amongst the youth population of Thomas' native Liberia, one of the poorest countries in the world. Their original request included the following: 20 size 4 balls30 size 5 soccer balls50 adult soccer cleats (sizes 7 - 10.5)32 youth soccer cleats (sizes 5 - 7)

    Nov 05,
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