For the past few years, Soccer Chaplains United has participated in ColoradoGives Day. ColoradoGives Day is part of the ColoradoGives program sponsored by Community First Foundation. Through donors and philanthropic-minded people can support local, Colorado-based non-profits that meet certain criteria. Those nonprofits are then eligible to receive a portion of an incentive fund that adds to the donation total.
Early giving begins today which means that all donations made through will be counted toward our December 10 efforts. Additionally, the corporate match challenge and other prize-winning
This Year’s Goal? $7, 500
Last year, we raised just over $5, 000. This year, we are hoping to see that number increase. Because of the number of chaplain placements we’ve made this year, we’re behind by nearly $15,000 so we’re looking to raise nearly half of that deficit during this next season to begin covering the gap.
Soccer Chaplains United is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which relies on the generous support of individual donors and church partners to carry out its work of chaplaincy in soccer.
Thank You For Considering a Gift!
Beside using the site (2% fees) donors can also give a safe, secure, electronic, tax-deductible gift via PushPay by clicking the button below or by texting soccerchaplains to 77977. PushPay charges flat rate fees of 1, 2, and 3% based on ACH, Debit and Credit donation forms respectively. Donors can also mail donations made out to Soccer Chaplains United, PO Box 102081, Denver, CO 80250.