• In 2011, a small school was started as a part of a grand vision - what about seeing each student as a unique individual and tailoring an education to their needs? So began Anastasis Academy. As part of the leadership and vision of Kelly Tenkley, Anastasis has for the better part of the last 5 years been seeking to live out its mission to: ...strive to provide an educational model that honors and supports children as the unique and creative individuals that God created them to be.  We work to shape the development of the whole-child by engaging the mind, body and spirit while inspiring each to personal excellence. For Tenkley, her staff, and the students of Anastasis this goes

    Mar 10,
  • In northern Senegal, West Africa there is a small team of Christian and Missionary Alliance international workers that have come alongside a local evangelical church serving the Wolof people. In a country where Islam is the main religion, these workers use health and education to reach to the local community. Whether serving through a medical clinic, boys and a girls vocational training schools, a library, prison visitation, kids club's, or sports - these workers are focused on serving. Brian Davis, a Moody Bible Institute graduate and member of the 1994 MBI Men's Soccer NCCAA Div. II National Championship team, uses the sport of soccer to build relationships with the Senegalese, especially amongst the young people. Children and youth make up over 40% of the population in

    Mar 03,
  • At CrossTraining, Thursdays, are the day to report on the latest happenings with our Timothy Project. Where in the world will the Timothy Project go? Last year, the Timothy Project saw events from Denver to Uganda to Haiti and points between. We are excited to see what opportunities come about. Whether a local or global project, CrossTraining Ministries is committed to stewarding our resources and connections through soccer to help missional outreaches to people and communities in need. We are looking forward to Timothy Project 2016 and we've already begun to receive some requests for some exciting projects and there is still some work from 2015 to finish up. Stay tuned on Thursdays to see where the latest project will head

    Feb 25,
  • Last month, CrossTraining announced the Timothy Project: Liberia 2015 and the goal of Liberian Institute for Empowerment (L.I.F.E.) to fill a shipping container from Colorado to send to Liberia with soccer equipment and school supplies. Currently, CrossTraining has been able to collect over 500 pieces of soccer equipment including Colorado Rapids jerseys, cones, training vests, backpacks, and cleats for the container project. CrossTraining supporters will recall the ambitious project to ship a container to Liberia from 2015. CrossTraining collected over 500 pieces of soccer equipment including Colorado Rapids jerseys, cones, training vests, backpacks, and cleats for the container project. Thomas Fahn, Director for Liberian Institute For Empowerment (L.I.F.E.) shares the following update with CrossTraining We just want to update you on the

    Jan 14,
  • A few weeks ago, Cooper Floto and a team of volunteer coaches, from his high school soccer team, The Denver Eagles, as well as volunteers from my Boy Scout Troop, Troop 794 decided to host a soccer camp for the children of the Shiloh House and reached to CrossTraining's Timothy Project program for help. The camp was originally designed to take place at the Colorado Miners Community Center near Denver with about 15 - 20 kids between nine and ten twelve years old. But, as you read more of the story below, there were some unexpected moments and changes that happened as part of the camp. Floto wrote to CrossTraining to let us know how the camp went and the Timothy

    Dec 17,

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