• As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues on, the challenges of lockdown and quarantine confront all of us. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, a person of faith or a person of no faith — these are challenging times to live through. In today's From the Touchline episode, I look at three different S's that are likely present and a challenge for all of us in varying ways right now. Stillness. Solitude. Silence. It's likely that we feel burdened or stressed by these things, when in truth they are actually a gift if we can become aware of it and if we can learn something of what God might be wanting to show us as people or as communities or as

    Apr 15,
  • "Houston, we have a problem, ..." Well, friends, our Easter Egg Hunt was off to a good start; however, we soon received word that the Google/Android side of the app hadn't been properly completed and there was no new app for our non-Apple friends. 😫 So, unfortunately, we had to suspend the Easter Egg Hunt and postpone it. Raise my own hand on this (I'm a chaplain, not an app developer) and apologize. We will restart the egg hunt once the Google Play Store has the final app ready for release. We will announce a start time as well. We did have one very ambitious egg hunter who found all 9 eggs and it took them approximately 18 minutes! I

    Apr 13,
  • Soccer Chaplains United is hosting its very own, virtual Easter egg hunt! On Easter Sunday morning, April 12, at an unannounced hour and in coordination with the release of our new app, there will appear Easter "eggs" hidden throughout the app that can be "discovered" by exploring the different areas of the new app. In what is a common practice in gaming — usually a developer will hide different "eggs" in a program that are a special gift or prize to the "explorative" gamer. There will be 9 different, hidden eggs in our new app! The nine eggs commemorate the nine different teams that Soccer Chaplains United currently serves from the professional ranks to high school teams. The first users

    Apr 09,
  • Today we are in the midst of Holy Week — Palm Sunday is a fading memory and Easter is soon to come. But this year, around the world will look and feel very different from past Easter celebrations given the global pandemic that we are facing with Coronavirus. Many will have to remain at home. Church buildings will sit empty. The normal festive time for Christian people will be muted in many places. In today's From the Touchline episode, we are taking about the feeling of captivity that many are and have been feeling under lockdown. Especially for people living in Colorado and the US, where we are so used to our freedoms and being able to go where we

    Apr 08,
  • Well it has come time to say goodbye...and this is not a late April Fool's joke. No, not to me! To Brad Evans. Soccer Chaplains United has had an app (SoccChaplain) that we launched when we went through our rebranding a few years ago. A stock photo featuring Seattle Sounders MLS player, Brad Evans, has adorned our front page screen, letting athletes know where to click in our app for content that is designed for them. Pretty soon, the old app will go the way of the dinosaur A few months ago, we were notified of new requirements from Apple and Google for app developers and we started working on a new app in conjunction with our fundraising partner PushPay.

    Apr 03,

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