Timothy Project: One Child Matters will travel to Honduras in April to visit four of their Centers in Choluteca and other locations. The partnership between Soccer Chaplains United and One Child Matters (OCM) is just beginning thanks to Soccer Chaplains United’s Kurt Trempert.
Chaplain Kurt Trempert of the Colorado Springs Switchbacks suggested to One Child Matters, also based in Colorado Springs, representatives to request soccer gear from Soccer Chaplains United for their upcoming trip to Honduras. One Child Matters staff will travel to four Centers run by the organization. In each Center, there are over 200 children served. The Choluteca Center serves children primarily under 10 years of age.
One Child Matters serves children in extreme poverty. The organization does this in two ways, Hope Centers or Partner-Based Schools. Hope Centers work with local evangelical churches within the community to provide holistic services and activities. OCM works with the local church community so that the children will grow within their own cultural context. Partner-Based Schools provide a formal education recognized by the local governments. OCM is not seeking to westernize the children, nor does it promote a particular cultural mindset or create a state of dependence.
Soccer Chaplains United is pleased to come alongside this organization. One Child Matters has requested soccer gear that would impact around 800 children. For each Center, OCM would like to be able to outfit players with jerseys, shorts, cleats, shin guards, balls, cones and some goalkeeper gloves. While Soccer Chaplains United cannot supply all 800 children with gear, we will make sure each location has some to share.
To support Timothy Project: One Child Matters Honduras, 2018 or future Timothy Project ventures please donate through PushPay — simply select Timothy Project from the selectable funds to contribute to. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor an individual or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!