• Dear friends, I wanted to write and personally make an appeal to you. I know that we are facing much uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic and I am thankful for the majority of our donors who have remained faithful in their giving; however, we have seen some decline from last year and we know that this year will be challenging in terms of fundraising and generosity. Yesterday, I wrote about the ongoing chaplaincy work for Soccer Chaplains United and the truth is we are busier in ministry as we seek to serve those we've been called to — from the college athlete who may not have a soccer program next year to the part-time stadium and concessions personnel who have had

    Apr 21,
  • Hey everyone, well, we finally received word from both Apple and Google Stores today that our new app has been approved and is now available for download at both places for Apple and Android devices. The app is now available in the Apple App and Google Play stores. The new app name is SoccrChapUtd to better reflect our name. You can also search by using Soccer Chaplains United. The app redesign has also hopefully come out with a simplified way for people to connect with Soccer Chaplains United in a variety of ways — whether you are an athlete, coach, you work in soccer, or are interested in donating, partnering or just learning more about us. If you already have

    Apr 20,
  • More than a few people have asked me, "What does your work and ministry look like right now?" When probing further into their questions, the obvious is part of their inquiry — there aren't any sports going on right now, social distancing means that people aren't together in the ways they used to be — so what does chaplaincy in soccer look like? Allow me to share some quick samples from Soccer Chaplains United's work: An athlete from another country is without a car while playing here for one of our lower division teams — getting to physical therapy appointments has been difficult. One of our chaplains has stepped up to drive him to his appointments.Another athlete and his wife recently welcomed

    Apr 20,
  • As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues on, the challenges of lockdown and quarantine confront all of us. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, a person of faith or a person of no faith — these are challenging times to live through. In today's From the Touchline episode, I look at three different S's that are likely present and a challenge for all of us in varying ways right now. Stillness. Solitude. Silence. It's likely that we feel burdened or stressed by these things, when in truth they are actually a gift if we can become aware of it and if we can learn something of what God might be wanting to show us as people or as communities or as

    Apr 15,
  • "Houston, we have a problem, ..." Well, friends, our Easter Egg Hunt was off to a good start; however, we soon received word that the Google/Android side of the app hadn't been properly completed and there was no new app for our non-Apple friends. 😫 So, unfortunately, we had to suspend the Easter Egg Hunt and postpone it. Raise my own hand on this (I'm a chaplain, not an app developer) and apologize. We will restart the egg hunt once the Google Play Store has the final app ready for release. We will announce a start time as well. We did have one very ambitious egg hunter who found all 9 eggs and it took them approximately 18 minutes! I

    Apr 13,

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