Timothy Project: Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church, Juarez 2017. Soccer Chaplains United has a strong commitment to support ministry partners. Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church of Englewood, Colorado is a ministry partner so great efforts went into providing a robust Timothy Project donation when they requested it for their recent trip to Juarez, Mexico.
These reflections capture Emily Smith’s experience of her time on the trip: Timothy Project generously donated many soccer-related items for our team of 35 from Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church to take with us on our recent mission trip to Juarez, Mexico. Our church has been taking teams down to Juarez for nearly thirty years and it was a blessing to be a part of this year’s team. So much of what we are doing while there is to support and encourage the local church with which we partner.
We strive to draw in as many people from the community as possible. Soccer and games are instrumental in that effort. Sharing the Timothy Project donations with the local church and community during a long and lively game of soccer at the city park one of the days we were there was such a delight. We divided the shirts and jerseys between the two teams of players and continued on with our game, enjoying it all the more because of the gifts. Chaplain Brad Kenney, director of Soccer Chaplains United and a team member for Juarez shared,
It’s always amazing to me how a round ball can break down so many barriers – age, gender, culture, language – we were all able to play and share in a fun game of soccer with people from the church. Shouts of ‘aqui’ or ‘tranquilo’ throughout the game made our time memorable.
Later in the week, a particularly special blessing for us was getting to hear the church leaders tell us about the first mission trip they took as a church last year into Mexico City and surrounding impoverished areas. After many years of receiving the love and encouragement of our church’s mission to them, they were inspired to do the same and go out and support a church in their own country on a mission trip. We gathered together one night for them to show us a slideshow of pictures from their trip and to hear more about how they were impacted by it. We surprised them at the end of that evening with more Timothy Project gifts, but these were for them to give on their next mission trip. Parker Dragovich, team lead for this year’s trip, shared about the church,
We have been in partnership with La Iglesia Maranatha for almost 30 years, and the Timothy Project has been a wonderful addition the past several years. What made this particularly special is that the Timothy Project not only provided us with supplies for our trip but also supplies for the Juarez church to take on their own mission trip to southern Mexico next summer.
Sharing soccer jerseys and gear with them during our fun day at the park was sweet but how much sweeter it was to give them a gift that they could pass along. The truth that it is better to give than to receive was written all over their faces as they teared up with joy from the blessing they would be able to pass on to others. Thank you, Timothy Project, for your generosity and work in stewarding gifts and allowing us to use those gifts to bless others.
To support future Timothy Project ventures such as this one to Juarez, Mexico please donate through PushPay — simply select Timothy Project from the selectable funds to contribute to. Your financial gift helps us purchase new equipment, sponsor a missionary or organization in an outreach effort, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!