This December 26th, a team of 19 high school students from Valor Christian High School will travel to Guatemala for 16 days. The team will spend a majority of ministry time working with the community that lives around the city dump in Zacapa, Guatemala.
Soccer will be a significant part of the team’s ministry as they hold soccer camps and outreach projects in the community. With all that has gone on in the pas couple of years, this community has great need and not only does the Valor team hope to provide ministry to them while there, but also leave behind some gear that would enrich their lives. Other projects include building a house, working on literacy projects, and distributing supplies in the community.
Danny Brooks, Spanish Instructor at Valor and the team leader for the Discovery Trip, is familiar with the poverty and need in Guatemala having served as a missionary and pastor there for a number of years before coming to Valor.
Having lived in Zacapa, Guatemala for five years, I have seen the challenges that this community faces, both spiritually and economically. We are so privileged to bring a team of high school students who will minister cross culturally to leave a lasting impact on this community, while also confronting their own world views of living in a privileged society here in Denver. We are thankful for the opportunity to work with amazing ministry partners in Guatemala who has focused on this community and helped sustain them physically and spiritually during the continuing pandemic.
Daniel Brooks, Faculty, Valor Christian
Danny and the Valor team will be working with local missionaries. Below is an excerpt from Erin and Javier’s recent newsletter:
This week we started a new project that I am very excited about. Marcolfa is an elderly lady who we met at the garbage dump last year. We have visited her in her home and she has come to our meetings where we minister and feed children. Her home is made out of different found materials. She told us that her metal roof leaks, so she has sheets of nylon under that where she puts rags to soak up the rain. In these pictures you can see the inside and outside of her home. I am broken when I think of this little lady during one of the tropical storms we have here in Guatemala.
One of the difficult things about building a home for people is that their current dwelling must be torn down in order to build in exactly the same place. There is not an abundance of land in Guatemala and every square inch is taken advantage of when building. The family must make a temporary shelter in a tiny space or stay somewhere else while their home is being built. That is why we try to do most projects as quickly as possible, about 8-10 days.
We told Marcolfa that her home had to be torn down in order to build her a new one. What a huge step of faith, destroying all you have to make way for something new. Before even a bag of cement or metal beam or workers with tools showed up, she gladly did what needed to be done with the help of her grandchildren.
Here is Marcolfa (above) in the space cleared to build her house. Every family that we help, every home that is built, we tell people that this is an earthly home, but it is nothing in comparison to what God is preparing for us, our eternal home.
Working primarily with children, both boys and girls, the team is requesting as many soccer balls as possible — 30 or more — size 4 and 5; as well as jerseys approximately 30 sizes child-small adult.
We can’t wait to join Erin, Javier, and their team to bless the people in Zacapa!
Danny Brooks
Remember, when you support Soccer Chaplains United, a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!