In July of 2022, Wayne Pirmann joined Soccer Chaplains United’s ministry team as a Development Officer to help assist with fundraising and growing the public awareness of our organization. In more recent times, though, God has placed a massive burden on his heart for utilizing the 2026 FIFA Men’s World Cup as a conduit for evangelistic soccer camps.
Spoudazo Soccer Camps will be hosted throughout the US, in various cities and towns, through a new LLC. Spoudazo (Greek for “be diligent”) Soccer Camps will be for children age 13-18 and have high level coaching and training about soccer and about Jesus. The camps will feature for the next couple of years as an engagement point for the church and local communities ahead of the largest global sporting event, the FIFA Men’s World Cup.

During Wayne’s limited time, he was responsible for helping raise a little over $10,000 for Soccer Chaplains United and helping to make many introductions within the soccer community. In addition, Wayne helped to promote and distribute a number of the devotional books that we’ve written over the past year.
We are so thankful for Wayne Pirmann working with us these past couple of years and we are excited about this new vision and work that he is feeling called to. We look forward to finding ways to partner and support one another in our work towards the future. If you would like to reach out to Wayne and learn more about Spoudazo Soccer Camps, you can reach him at
Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our chaplains and our work. Check out our Donate page for different giving options.