Billy Cerveny recently announced this will be his final season serving as the Chaplain for Nashville SC. Billy has served NSC since the fall of 2017, prior to their inaugural season, so this will be a big change for the club and for him. During this time he has cared for players, coaches, staff, families. He has lead Bible studies and chapels, prayed with players, officiated wedding, visited hospitals, welcomed new players and helped others say goodbye. We are thankful for his time with the team and know the Lord is in the midst of this transition.
It’s hard to overstate the blessing it has been to be a part of Nashville SC. The players, coaches, and staff are people I love deeply. I’m excited to finish out this season and to see what the Lord does next with the Chaplain role at NSC.
Billy, on his time as chaplain with Nashville SC
Billy and I have been working closely together in recent months meeting with potential candidates to fill this chaplaincy role. We believe God has brought us the right person and we are currently working through the process of onboarding, but will announce the new chaplain for the 2023-24 season, soon. In the meantime, Billy will focus on finishing strong this season as he prepares the way for the next chaplain.
Transition is never easy, but it is a reality of the Christian journey; especially if you are a chaplain. We are stewards of our roles and we must be ready to pass the baton of ministry, care, and leadership to others when the Lord leads us forward. This is where we are now and we are excited for what’s ahead.
As a chaplain, you see a lot of people come and go in professional sports. Now it’s my turn and it’s sad; but I’m thankful for the tears. It shows the time spent with Nashville SC has been meaningful and worthwhile.
Billy, on the emotion of leaving the team
Billy is moving to Jacksonville, Florida to be closer to his parents to help offer care and support. He will continue his work with Redbird, the non-profit pastoral outreach and counseling ministry he founded in 2018. Billy will also continue working with Soccer Chaplains United and I am looking forward to utilizing him in a development role as we look to make more chaplaincy placements throughout the US in the years to come.
Soccer Chaplains United is non-profit, 501(c)3 and depends upon the financial support of our partners to carry out our work of developing chaplaincy across all levels of soccer. Please consider making a contribution today to help us continue growing our chaplains and our work. Check out our Donate page for different giving options.