While it doesn’t happen all of the time, I often find a lot of joy in “pulling” soccer gear for a Community Project request. Sometimes, as I am counting out jerseys or soccer balls it amazes me how close the number often come to the original request and the latest from Walnut Middle School was no exception.
The request which came in last month asked for 50 soccer balls, 50 soccer jerseys, and a number of goalkeeper sets (shirts and shorts). It was tense as I counted out recent shirt sizes specific to the program — not every number matched but it was amazing at how close we got to fulfilling even the specific sizes that Coach Duran and I discussed. For me, there’s always a bit of prayer that goes into it — I just imagine that God is going to use the gift of these jerseys to bless someone in need and to make His name known.
But even after receiving the Community Project request, a question remained: how to get the gear to Nebraska? Well, I reached out to friends and supporters of the ministry who live in Wray, Colorado. Wray is “out of the way” up in the Northeast corner of Colorado. Lo and behold, they were heading to Kearney, NE only 40 miles away from Grand Isle for Thanksgiving! They offered to take the gear — for me it took a day to drive out and back, but well worth it to spend time with some college friends and wonderful supporters of me and the ministry.
The final fulfillment looks like the following:
- 125 soccer balls (sizes 3, 4, and 5)
- 51 jerseys of various adult and youth sizes
- 50 long sleeve shirts various adult and youth sizes
- 5 Goalkeeper sets
Remember, when you support Soccer Chaplains United, a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!