“Houston, we have a problem, …”
Well, friends, our Easter Egg Hunt was off to a good start; however, we soon received word that the Google/Android side of the app hadn’t been properly completed and there was no new app for our non-Apple friends. 😫
So, unfortunately, we had to suspend the Easter Egg Hunt and postpone it.
Raise my own hand on this (I’m a chaplain, not an app developer) and apologize. We will restart the egg hunt once the Google Play Store has the final app ready for release. We will announce a start time as well.
We did have one very ambitious egg hunter who found all 9 eggs and it took them approximately 18 minutes! I have reached out to them and they don’t mind a “restart.” So hold onto your Easter Egg Baskets and we will have another go, later this week!
There will be 9 different, hidden eggs in our new app! The nine eggs commemorate the nine different teams that Soccer Chaplains United currently serves from the professional ranks to high school teams. The first users to find and email us the location and description of each of the nine Easter eggs will receive a gift from Soccer Chaplains United!
In coordination with our new app launch, there are a few other things changing:
- New name for the app: SoccChaplain will become SoccrChapUtd
- Simplified menu
- Quicker load out and updating
- Profile creation ability (set preferences on types of content you want to receive)

Current users of SoccChaplain will need to update and change the app. We will announce when the new app is ready and released in the Google Play Store and then we will announce a start time.

New users will look for Soccer Chaplains United or SoccrChapUtd in the Apple or Google stores.
Here’s how we will do the Easter Egg Hunt:
- Download or update the app
- Explore, browse, and look through the app to find the numbered eggs
- Email your egg findings (brief description and the location) to info@soccerchaplainsunited.org
- We will use the time stamp of the email to determine the “first” person to find a particular egg
- You are welcome to include more than 1 egg (or all 9) in your email to us to increase your chance of winning
- We will contact the winners by email and get information on where we can send you a special gift
- There will be nine different winners
In all of this, we just want to have some fun, show folks our new app and have them explore it for themselves. So get your “basket” ready for our Easter Egg Hunt!