In January, fourteen members from Wilderness Church flew down to Primo Tapia, Mexico to serve at the La Hermosa Orphanage. The church team requested soccer gear from Soccer Chaplains United’s Community Project request program. Below is a brief update from Pastor Jake Chambers on the trip and what the team was able to accomplish as well as plans to head back in May.
The trip was so great. We had such a fun time at the ranch and we were able to do some training for the kids and some for the house moms, too, which was so fun. The kids loved the jerseys as well, so thanks so much for getting those.
A lot of love in that home and so was fun to just share in all the love that the Lord is spreading there!
We were also able to build them a chicken coop and secure the fencing around their soccer field which was great. We are going to try and go back there again in May.
Jake Chambers on the trip to La Hermosa Orphanage

Remember, when you support Soccer Chaplains United, a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals or organizations, and cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!