Thomas Fahn, founder and director of Sadaya International (SI), is returning to Liberia this summer. His main tasks will be conducting soccer clinics and spending time with coaches and academy teams for SI. He will also oversee work being done for his family’s guest house — all positive signs of Liberia returning to some sense of normalcy from the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Sadaya International leverages the power of soccer to educate and motivate Liberian youth to live healthier and more productive lives. They invest in young people with an aim to help them become agents of change in their families and communities.
Many talented Liberian youths have been reduced to extreme desperation because of economic and other hardships. Many have given up hope and have gotten into drug abuse, prostitution, crime and violence. The hopelessness and idleness, especially among the youth, breeds crime and other behaviors that are destroying individuals and their communities.
Thomas Fahn, on the plight of many Liberian youth
Sadaya International’s mission is to use the power of soccer to help young people develop Christian character in order to establish a strong Biblical worldview for their future.
Most of them do not have clothes and footwear. This is why we are collecting used clothes, shoes and soccer equipment of all kinds to ship to Liberia for them. If you have clothing, tennis shoes or any used soccer equipment we will be glad to pick them up anytime at your convenience.
Thomas, on his request for 2022

The needs included in this year’s request include:
- 20 size 4 balls
- 25 size 5 soccer balls
- 30 adult soccer cleats (sizes 7 – 10.5)
- 20 youth soccer cleats (sizes 5 – 7)
- 22 adult-sized jerseys, shorts, and socks
If you would like to make a specific donation of one of the items above check out our SmileAmazon charity list here. Or you can make a financial donation via PushPay and our Community Project Fund.

When you financially support Soccer Chaplains United a portion of your gift automatically goes to help our community projects and requests. You can give specifically to help cover our costs by making a gift through PushPay — simply select Community Project from the selectable funds. Your financial gift helps us purchase new soccer equipment, sponsor individuals projects and organizations, and to cover associated costs of providing Bibles, soccer equipment, and other outreach tools locally and around the world!